• Please mention 'RTI Application' on the envelop to facilitate quick disposal of your application. • Candidates are advised to go through all instruction regarding eligibility condition & various code used in filling application form from exam notice published in SSC website or notice published in Employment news. • Candidates are also advised to read all instructions given on cover page of question booklet / Answer Sheet before writing exam.
The following may be
noted while submitting requests seeking information
under RTI Act:-
Arrangements have been made at the
Facilitation Counter of Staff Selection Commission
(CR), Kendriya Sadan, 34-M.G. Marg, Civil Lines, Prayagraj-211001 for receiving applications/request
seeking information under RTI Act, 2005.
Applications/request can also be sent
by post alongwith the requisite fee directly to the
CPIO, Staff Selection Commission (CR), Kendriya Sadan, 34-M.G. Marg, Civil Lines, Prayagraj-211001.
The requisite fee alongwith the application/request
could be paid by way of cash against proper receipt
at the Facilitation Counter or by Indian Postal Order
in favour of Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission,
Allahabad. The fee may also be paid by demand draft
or banker’s cheque drawn in favour of Regional
Director, Staff Selection Commission, Allahabad. Name
of the Bank : Punjab National Bank, Civil Lines, Allahabad,
Account No. 0012002100502791.
The details regarding Rules & Regulations
pertaining to fees etc. under RTI Act may be perused
in the website of Ministry of Personnel, Pubic Grievances
& Pension, Deptt. Of Personnel and Training http://www.persmin.nic.in
Details of CPIO (Central Public Information Officer) of Staff Selection Commission (Central Region) Prayagraj
Disclaimer:-The contents of this site are informatory in nature. You are advised to verify the same from the notices published in the 'Employment News'.